Legislative Information  

Note: The Bill numbers below were for the 110th Congress. The 111th Congress will convene in January 2009. When new Bills are introduced, the new numbers will be updated below.

The legislation that is currently before the US Congress that NARFE supports are: the premium conversion bills, S. 773 and H.R. 1110; the bills to repeal the GPO & WEB, S. 206 and H.R. 82.

There are these other bills that would modify the GPO, they are: S. 1254, H.R. 2988, H.R. 1090. And these bills that would modify WEP, they are: H.R. 726, H.R. 2772 and S. 1647.

For a very good explanation of these bills refer the December 2007 issue of the NARFE magazine and the NARFE website, or call your Congressman or Senator.  

NARFE maintains a toll free telephone number to call either of your US Senators or Representatives, which is 866-220-0044. You can use this number rather than the elected official’s office number. Just ask the switchboard operator to connect you to your Congressman or Senator. NARFE also sends an email by its GEMS network each week that Congress is in session with an update on current legislation and other important news for federal employees and retirees. You can also call toll free to hear the weekly message, call this number 877-217-8234. Contact information for our Senators and Representatives is listed below; do let them hear from you. Remember the benefits you save are yours!

Senator Lamar Alexander                                                         District 4
302 Hart Senate Office Bldg.                                                    Representative Lincoln Davis
Washington DC 20510                                                             410 Cannon House Office Bldg.
Phone: 202-224-4944                                                              Washington DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-6831

Senator Bob Corker
SD-B40A Dirkson Senate Office Bldg.                                     District 6
Washington DC 20510                                                             Representative Bart Gordon
Phone: 202-224-3344                                                              2310 Rayburn House Office Bldg.

Washington DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-4231
Cookeville Phone: 931-528-5907