Chapter 1956 members are scattered out in several counties of Middle Tennessee Each of us have the same two U S Senators which are: Senator Lamar Alexander and Senator Bob Corker. But we are not all represented by the same U S Representative. So if you live in one of these counties: Putnam, Smith, Dekalb, Macon, Clay, Jackson or Overton then you should contact Representative Diane Black. NARFE Headquarters maintains a toll free telephone number to assist in calling either of these persons. That number is 1-866-220-0044. That is the Capitol Switchboard, just dial that number and ask for your elected official by name. Letters are most effective but due to security concerns it will take a long time to reach them. Phones calls are great and personalized emails are good. Their main offices are in Washington DC and they have local offices in cities in their districts. For a complete contact list of their telephone numbers, fax numbers, mailing addresses, Email forms, and more; see the Tennessee Federation Website page on the 113th. Congress For a list of current legislation that we support and contact information for our U S Congressmen, click here.
NARFE Chapter 1956 Cookeville TN |